Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tried And Tested Ways To Save Your Marriage

Marriage is never a thing that should be taken for granted by anybody. It should always be seen as something that is sacred, a covenant agreed upon by two people for life. As much as possible, it should be saved since it is the basic unit in every society.

Whenever you feel that your marriage is on the rocks and is about to collapse, you should at least try to think twice. Weigh the pros and cons of every single thing that will be affected when you decide to call it quits. It is never too late to retract your decision if you think that it is the right thing to do and if you feel that it is worth saving. Save your marriage. Everything will most probably turn out for the best.

Here are the things that you can do to save your marriage:

1. You should save your marriage before it even starts. Marriage should be a commitment that starts as a work in progress even before you say your marriage vows. Make sure that as much as possible, you are able to maintain all the sweet things that you do for each other are maintained all throughout. This is easier said than done, though, so you should be careful.

2. Try to grow together, not grow apart. Even though you both may have very busy schedules, always find time to do the things that you love to do together, even if they're just mundane chores that needs to be done at home, like cleaning, washing the dishes, etc. This will help you maintain being romantic to each other and also, help you appreciate each other at all times.

3. Discover new things together. Take time off from time to time taking long trips, trying out new things, experimenting on new ideas. This will keep both of you on your toes, leaving no room for you and your partner to look for the excitement of new things with another person.

4. If you feel that your marriage is headed to a downward slide, start moving forward. Do not let the tides take you with them. Fight it as if you're fighting for survival. Most of the time, a lot of things are dependent on your marriage, most especially the welfare of your children. Work it out.

To save your marriage, learn to communicate effectively with your spouse. Keeping all the communication lines open at all times will enable you to have a rein on things at all times and will help you stay in control of your marriage. Save your marriage before it even starts and maintain it all throughout.

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