Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dark Days

First story I wrote since I've been bored... It's a story about a girl and her best friend on a summer trip. What they thought was going to be fun turned into a winding road of love, drama, and jokes

It was a dark night and the sky was completely clear, and filled with stars. There was nothing but the sound of the crickets calling to each other in the grass outside the tent. Jasmine and I had gotten all settled in our cozy "camp" where we would be staying for a week. School had just ended yesterday with farewells, and see ya next years. We decided to miss the last day of our sophomore year, though, to finish packing for hopefully the best week of our lives.

We had arrived at the lake later then expected and were exhausted. Jasmine was literally collapsing, and looked like some drone trying to unload the car. The campsite we chose was just a plain wooded area that we found and decided to park. We really didn’t have a specific destination. All we knew is that we were going camping where it looked the best.

The lake was pretty big, and had a dock where we could sit and stick our feet in the water, which was pretty warm considering the heat. If you ever listened in science you’d know that water is coldest when it’s humid, or hot out, but not in this case. The water was creepy warm, un-natural warm. Most of the shore area was covered with trees and brush. The whole lake was completely deserted by the public.

Once everything was unloaded from the car we began to set up the tent. I was trying to lay the tent out flat, while Jasmine wrestled with the poles.
"You gonna make it over there, or should I set up the poles?" I laughed.
"Shut up Selene!" Jas yelled.

We put the tent as close to the shoreline as possible, without getting carried away by the tide. By the time we were finished setting up the tent it was almost dark outside, no thanks to Jasmine and her death match with the tent poles.

"Now, how about we tell some super scary stories, seeing as the sun is practically down. Only the scariest are allowed. I mean like the kind that will keep me up all night." I stated
"You’ve got to be kidding me!" Jasmine replied, "we don’t need scary stories to scare us. We’re the biggest scared cats alive!"
"Hey speak for yourself!" I shouted.

I grabbed the flashlight and put it on the top of the tent so we could play charade shadows instead. Jasmine put her hand up, and made a dog (I never would’ve guessed that; not). We started laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. I thought my lungs were going to burst.

Jasmine fell backwards from laughing and spilled her soda all over the place on the blankets which, of course, made everything instantly sticky. As soon as we caught out breath, and looked back up to make more shadow puppets, we saw a shadow of a man outside of our tent.

Panicking, I searched for the pocket knife that I kept in my bag, and ran around the back of the tent where we saw him. When I got there, there was nothing but an area of leaves flattened where he was sitting. Poof! Just like that he was gone!

Jasmine was practically having a seizure in the tent so I started freaking out as well. What do you do when someone’s almost having a seizure? I mean it’s not like Jasmine has medical issues or anything. I should’ve listened less in science and more in health. JEEZE! I thought to myself.
"Jasmine, are you okay? There’s nothing put there so don’t worry about it.

I’m sure it was just our imagination. If there was something out there I would have gone kong-fu on their ass!" I paused, "well I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t tell scary stories after all."
The quiet after that was a little unnerving. Jas wasn’t saying anything.

By Kaylar Barstool

I Love With Two Sisters

They say falling in love is the dumbest think that will ever happen to any one. And another saying goes that every one needs some to love in his or life e.g love a cat, dog, rat, lady, men. Infact we all fall in love one time or another in our life.

Have you ever fall in love with two sisters at the same time, sound dump to you, but it actually happens. Some of us might find it strange that how can one fall in love with two sisters. Lets here stories of anyone that have ever dated two sisters at the same time without them finding out

Monday, June 29, 2009

Surprise Gifts for ladies

This problem is getting out of hand this days, getting a gift for a lady without asking her what she would like is killing brothers. You want it to be a surprise, you want to see her glow when she receives it, you want her to jump on you and hug you with lots of promises . However, if you pocket is well in the overflowing level, you wont have this problem. Take for instance , you are a student and you want to surprise your girl friend with a gift even when is not her birthday, what will you get her that she will appreciate, love and cherish .
Which we guys can read the ladies mind, don't want to get something that will look normal or just another item in her possession , getting her a car is cool, every girl will surely love getting a car as gift and the surprise will be the bomb. What will a girl really like as a surprise gift

Maintaining a Long-Distance Relationship

How to make a long distance relationship work needs effort and commitment on both parties. It is not easy to maintain a good relationship and it is even harder if the relationship is long distance.

However, if you really want to make a relationship work, it does not matter whether you are living on both ends of the earth.
If you are in a long distance relationship, it is necessary to make extra effort. You must set clear parameters in your relationship including knowing the level of your commitment.

You must define whether you are dating exlusively or non exlusively. Are you just dating? Are you already in the boyfriend and girlfriend stage? Determining your relationship can be quite awkward and difficult at first but it is important to know where you stand.

Always keep your communication lines open. Talk over the phone everyday, send email to each other or send text messages. Long distance relationships need more nourishing than the ordinary relationships in order to maintain and establish emotional connection.

You do not have to have deep conversations all the time. The important thing is that you do not let one day to pass without reassuring each other that you care. With the internet, it is much easier to chat with your loved one and see them through webcams.

Being far from each other should not restrict you from doing things together. Even if you are oceans apart, you can still enjoy each other’s company. You can talk over the phone while watching your favorite movie at the same time. Both of you can listen to music while chatting.

And remember, trust your partner, never have doubts in your heart.

How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Our ex girlfriend normally seems the best girl we ever had, If you really want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, there are a number of ways that you can follow to have more success than if you just wing it and hope for the best. Breakups happen, but they do not necessarily have to be forever. Here are ways that will allow you to subtlety let your ex girlfriend know that you're still interested in being a fixture in her life, so that you can potentially rekindle things in the right away.
If you want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, start by reaching out and touching her. Playing too hard to get is not the best way to approach this, though communication should be scaled back. Reach out to her and let her know subtlety that you are still interested in being a part of her life. Drop an e-mail to keep in touch. If you do not find casual, easy going methods of communication with your ex, you will never be able to get her back. Staying in touch is absolutely vital, but keeps it to casual messages like "Hey, what's up?" rather than overwhelming her inbox with love poetry.
If you want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, stay away from other girls. Sure, she may be understanding enough to let it slide if you begin to peruse other "prospects", but if you want to get your girlfriend back, stay away from other ladies, please.
Remember the important things. Part of learning how to get your ex girlfriend back means treating your girl like a princess. One of the easiest ways to do this is to show her that you care by remembering the most important things you did together and dates in her life. Send her a card on her birthday, and let her know you're thinking about her in a harmless and positive way. This will make are start seeing you in another way.
Call and text, but use discretion when reaching out to her. You should not be afraid to send your ex girlfriend a text message, or drop her a line here and there. Uncertainty is something that should be avoided in life and love, so call her up and let her know what's going on so that she knows where you are and what you're doing, and doesn't have to imagine that you're out having fun without her, or with another woman. Let her know you care, and that you still think about her. If she knows she's still in your thoughts so frequently, it will contribute heavily to how quickly she will want to rekindle things with you.
These are just the beginning ways in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life, Mary, due to distance between us, am writing an article on why distance relationship fails.


Asking a girl out on a date can be anxiety provoking. And even though girls are taking the initiative more often than they used to, it is still widely expected that the guy will do the asking, especially for a first date. So guys, if you want to increase your chances of her saying "yes," take a few moments to learn how to ask a girl out before you make your move.
Prepare yourself. Know what you are asking her to do and when, and have a couple of backup options. Expect a yes, but prepare yourself for a no. Approach the girl you like, be straightforward, nice and treat her with respect. Approach her confidently with a smile and your head held up. Engage her in friendly conversation and get to know her a little first.
Tell her your name, compliment her and ask her name. Ask her specific questions. Find out what her interests are and expand on any you or something you both like and share with her. Gauge her interest by using verbal and nonverbal queues. If she is averting her eyes or looking for her friends while not responding well to questions, cut your losses and walk away. However if she is actively engaged in the conversation, ease into your invitation.
After talking for a few minutes, ask something like, “I was thinking of going (somewhere) next weekend, would you like to come along?” Be specific in your activity and be ready with an alternative activity and date if she says “Some other time, maybe.”

Set the date and get her contact information (phone numbers, email, facebook id cos every girl now has one). Follow up with her before the date to verify time and details such as if you will pick her up or meet her there.
Tips and Tricks
• The best way to ask a girl out is in person. If that is not possible due to lack of opportunity or because you aren't confident enough, your best alternative would be over the phone. Practice what you will say beforehand if you aren’t confident.
• Make sure you are well groomed and dressed nicely. Don’t overdo it, and make sure to suit your own style. And of course check your breath beforehand!
• If the girl says no, don’t take it personally. Continue the conversation for a little longer, say it was nice talking to her and walk away. The fact that you took her rejection well may even pique her interest. If she isn’t a stranger make more of an effort to get to know her. She may grow to like you and you may get another opportunity to ask her out.
• If she said she was busy to your first offer and you get a similar response to your second date option accept it as a rejection and move on. She is probably trying to be nice.
• Think of subjects to discuss on the date in advance. Good ideas include stories about you, things you want to know about her, family and common interests.
• Do not ask a girl out over email or by instant message.
• Do not use a cheesy pickup line!
• Don’t worry about small breaks in conversation as that’s normal. But if it lasts an excessive amount of time, or she is giving you nonverbal queues that she wants out of the conversation, then politely end it.

What is abuse in a relationship

Lots of ladies in Nigeria might be confused about whether what's happening to them is abuse. This info helps you understand the different kinds of abuse that takes place in Nigeria and the world.

Research shows that in relationships, males are most likely to be the abusers, and females are most likely to be the victims. Females can also be abusive, in lesbian and in straight relationships as the case may be.

Emotional Abuse

This is when your boyfriend or girlfriend puts you down, ignores you or calls you names. It may be about what you are wearing, or how you're acting. They may want you to stop spending time with your friends and question you on every detail of what you've done without them. They may use jealousy or anger to intimidate you or to control your behavior, or might deliberately humiliate you in front of others.

They might try to manipulate you and make you feel wrong, inadequate or like you're crazy. Another form of emotional abuse is if they threaten to hurt themselves or other people if you break up with them. Emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse.

Physical Abuse

This involves physical acts such as hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, pulling your hair or choking you, or threatening to harm you in any way. It could involve using a weapon or an object to threaten or hurt you, smashing things or threatening to throw you out of the house and back to your parents. Hurting someone physically or threatening to hurt them is a criminal offense if the victim reports to the authorities.

Sexual Abuse

This involves pressuring or forcing you to do sexual things that you don't want to do. Even if they have not physically forced you to have sex with them, if they tried to manipulate you or coerce you into having sex when you didn't want to (like if they say 'you'd do it if you really loved me' or 'you're frigid'), this is still sexual abuse. It is also sexual assault if you have been drinking or taking drugs or if you were asleep or unconscious and you were not aware of what was happening. Rape and other forms of sexual assault are criminal offence.

What's Love got to do with it?

It can be hard to see whether your boyfriend / girlfriend's behaviour is actually abusive, or it can be hard to find a word for it. They might try to convince you that their jealous and possessive behaviour is because they love you. But this kind of treatment isn't love; it's control.

Are you being abused?

Being In Love

Being in love is supposed to feel great. But sometimes it just feels confusing.

What can you do if you are being hurt, controlled or treated badly in a relationship? I know lots of us will say pray over it or quit the relationship. What of if all your relationships keep going round the same theme like the last one, will you stop dating any one?

Do You Need Time Table For Sex With Your Girl

Has the saying goes or what people believe is that sex with a partner makes a relationship stronger. Recently girls have started hoarding sex from there guys because of God's knows why . A guy i met recently at a suya spot told me that he had not had sex for close to 4 months because is girl friend puts him on a time table. "my girl friend only gives me sex when she is happy or rather when she feels like doing it, i might be aas stiff as a rock and she knows but will deny me. I recently find out why, she complains that am not commited enough to her and that giving me sex will make her look cheap"

i say thats all bull shit, giving your guy something will make him start looking at you seriously, not giving a guy some especialy when he is in the mood can lead to him looking outside for what you are not giving. This are just my opinion, will like to hear more on this issue, is you girl or guy keeping you on a ration